Our itineraries have been designed to suit all cycling enthusiasts whether Novice or Peloton's pro.
By Novice, we mean that you are at ease when handling your bike (clip/unclip, gear changes, group riding), able to ride at least 100 km. Before joining us, we would recommend you to have at least 3,000 km in the legs.
If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The itineraries have been designed to gradually increase the rides difficulty, usually our queen stage will on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Our rides are targeted for cyclists who can sustain a 30km/h group ride on a flat terrain.
Rides above 8 riders:
Depending on the number of riders for the chosen week, several mileage and speed average options will be available.Before your daily ride, you will select a group level, based on your preferred mileage and speed average.
Depending on how you feel, you may also switch group during the day.
For rides below 8 riders :
We do start as a group, with one road captain leading the group and the assistance securing the ride. . Depending on the number of riders, their individual ability, several groups may naturally formed (mostly during ascents). At the summit of each climb we will wait for the remainder of the group : cycling is about solidarity, team spirit.
Of course, in case one need to "refuel", or wish to rest a while in between climbs, our assistance vehicle will always be on hand.